
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

DIY Coffee Filter Wreath

As promised... a DIY christmas (+ other seasons) wreath! 

What you'll need: 

1 styrofoam wreath - I used a 12in. preferably white
3-400 small coffee filters
hot glue
1 large ribbon
pen or pencil

I had ribbon and hot glue, the other 2 items cost me under $7 total. The wreath I got at Hobby Lobby and used a (CLASSIC) 40% coupon on my phone. The coffee filters were $1.32 for 100 at Target, I got 3 of those. This is probably the cheapest wreath I've ever made! 

This is probably the easiest wreath ever! I promise any of you can do this and make it look great. You may have seen them on Pinterest before or even another tutorial.. but here is my self experienced version! 

Once your hot glue gun is warmed up you can begin! First thing's first. put a coffee filter over the pen and straighten it out like below. 

Put a dab of hot glue at the tip of the coffee filter 'cone' you just made and use the pen to stick it to the inside of the wreath. You're not going to want to use too much glue, the more you use the longer it takes to dry.. and you could end up spending a lot of time pressing the pen into the wreath form. 

It'll be easiest to start in the inside of the wreath, make a circle all the way around, and then start another layer. I first made the mistake of trying a cluster... not a good idea. Follow the flow of the circle and it will be a lot easier! Once you make it all the way around the top, flip it over and again work from the interior out. 

The beauty of this wreath is that it's not supposed to look perfect! Some of the filters will stick out further than others, and that's OKAY! Just continue working the layers until the whole wreath form is full! I suppose you could leave the back unfinished if you plan to hang it on a wall, but I was uncertain if I'd want mine hanging on on of my glass doors where you'd see both sides so I wanted to complete both sides. 

Tie a beautiful ribbon on it, find a place to hang it and Wah - la! You just made a gorgeous easy - peasy wreath! It is time consuming and may take a couple hours.. I encourage you not to rush it! Take a break and come back if you need to. The biggest mistake I made was leaning it against my baseboard heating while I ran to Marshall's.. I came home and some of the glue has melted, allowing the coffee filters to fall off. Whoops! and duh, who does that?! I easily glued them back on and all is well. :) 

If you need a cute puppy to take your 'complete' picture with let me know.. I know a few places you could find one! ;) 

I feel like I'm almost cheating choosing the easiest DIY wreath ever.. but this is a wreath I've been wanting to make myself for a long time! And who can beat $7?! I plan on leaving it just like this through the winter, when spring comes I'll probably tie a spring-y ribbon on it and call it a spring wreath! 

Happy Holidays!!


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