
Monday, February 8, 2016

Refreshing Spring Updates

So I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Pillow covers are no doubt, definitely, positively the easiest and cheapest way to makeover a room! Without doing much, I was able to give our living room a new look this weekend. Hubby and I took a little trip up to STL, where of course we stopped by Ikea for some much needed retail therapy. I used to hate that term : retail therapy. Now I believe it is quite possibly the most true statement ever created. 

Here's a 'before the pillow switch' picture. I still love this combination, it was just time to switch it up a little for Spring! 

Navy, nude, and white. Ah, my fave. 

I got 6 new pillow covers at Ikea for $7 each. Correct me if I'm wrong but that means I did this whole 'makeover' thing for under $50. 6 'new' pillows for under $50?! That is just unheard of in this house! Not to mention I am super impressed with the quality of linen used on these babies!

It looks much more springy - right? Fresh, clean and bright. My favorite Spring look. Nothing says Spring like fresh tulips and antlers. 

I spent a lot of time trying to get cute pictures with Simba and Charlotte in them. It just wasn't working. Simba sits exactly where I tell him to, and stays there posing for the camera, all the while Charlee is treating the room like her personal jungle gym. She doesn't like to sit 'far' away from me, so she just kept scooting closer, which meant I had a hard time getting her in the camera. But she's just as happy as could be! 

These two crack me up. They are so fun to play with! 

Alright everyone ! Go get yourself some new pillow covers and share them with us!

Happy (bachelor ) Monday! 

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