
Monday, January 11, 2016


Finally!! Here are some afters I've been dying to share with you! So they're not complete afters, there are still several little projects left to do - but they are at least updates.

Let's start with the living room. You saw the before pictures in the previous post (if you didn't - just scroll down). I'm sure you've seen some of the small updates on the blog, or Facebook - where ever you like to get your info. Well here are the most recent pics! Actually - so recent that they were just taken this morning.

We still need to put up the trim, but things are starting to look up around here! I finally got my Christmas decorations down, and got around to styling the room for the remainder of winter. Maybe I threw some Spring - y touches in there too. I honestly don't like the cold and I can't wait until Spring! 

The Kitchen --- still needs quite a bit of work! But here is the progress. - P.S. The lighting in this room makes it extremely difficult to get great pictures!!

We still need to reinstall the dishwasher on the right side of the sink and put the countertops back on! The oven will have pull out spice racks on each side of it - yet to be installed. The beam and trim also still need to be put up, and a new center light in the ceiling needs to be put up. It's a process but we are getting there!! 

It is finally starting to feel like home on Lindell. Every time we finish a project it feels more and more like a place I want to be. The hardwood floors in the kitchen were a BIG deal. I can't begin to explain how amazing it feels having the floors in! We love this house and we have loved making it our home.            <3

Check out the 'Our House' page for these and more updated pictures of the office and guest bedroom! 

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @kasselhomeandcottage


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